Friday, April 27, 2012

Recipe: Teriyaki Chicken

This is one of my husband favourite - Teriyaki Chicken (Boneless).  Tigerbaby kinda like it but somehow this is not fully proof recipe for toodlers that don't fancy meat. Occasionally she likes it a lot and occasionally she rejects it ... but for adults - definitely nice and easy


1 chicken breast (boneless) 
2 chicken fillet (boneless)
Teriyaki Sauce (I use the brand <Yamasa>) which you can get from supermarkets. 
3 slice of ginger
1 cap full (tablespoon) of Chinese Cooking wine (aka Hua Diao Jiu)
1 tablespoon of Honey 


1) Wash the meats, have the breast cut into 3 long strips with about 2 cm width or your family preference. Fillet cut into 2 piece.
2) Marinate with teriyaki sauce (basically enough to bath them), add in Chinese Cooking wine, and the ginger. Give it a good mix - either with your hands or a spoon
3) Cover it with glad wrap or in a container and fridge it - for at least 2 hours. But I always fridge it overnight or at least half a day. If it is meant to cook for dinner, it would be fridge in by noon. 

When it is time to cook:
4) Heat the pan (if you have a grill pan - it works better) with some oil
5) put in the meat arranging them nicely. piece by piece. DONT pour in the remaining sauces yet. 
6) Let it grill for 2 mins and flip to the other side and grill (or pan fry) for another 2 min approx till you see the meat is cook. 
7) Pour in remaining sauce - close with a lid to let it shimmer a while
8) Add more teriyaki sauce if required - to get it cooked and the meat is dark brown colour 
9) Flip the meat to other side (it is a bit like BBQ style just to clarify easier)
10) Finally, brush the meat with honey *i just squeeze honey on top of the meat* 
11) Cover it for appox 1-2 min and its ready to serve. 

** whole cooking time is approx 10 mins.  Serve for 2+ adults 


  1. Yum thanks for sharing this with us! Fiona :)

    1. Most welcome FIona.. hope you enjoy it as much as we do ! :)
