Thursday, July 19, 2012

Toodler Throwing Tantrums

It seems at this stage 22- 24 months old toodlers have a growth leap - Throwing tantrums and whinning. Many websites writes on this topic and i wonder why. After a read through their articles and i realise it could be just another development curve for the kids.

Whattoexpect - is there a right way to displine your toodler?

Babycenter - reasons your toodler might push you away

Mytoodler 22month 4 week -
When your toddler whines for something, you may be tempted to cave in just to make him stop. But it's best to hold your ground – if you can show your toddler that whining won't get him anywhere, he's more likely to try other ways of communicating. When you hear your child whining, gently point it out to him and ask him to use his regular voice. Toddlers don't always know what whining is, and they may not be able to recognize it. 

To that, I conclude, as a parent, we are only humans. Occasionally we could not handle the excessive crying or whinning whatever u want to call it and we burst out screaming back at them "What to you want??? you driving me crazy.. Shut up!! " these are indeed the most frequent words we would use. I am not saying it is the right thing to do but I am saying is don't feel guilty if you do it once in a while. I know some moms would be guilty of doing it and even cry at night.  I can tell you one thing, when a toodler cries there is a momentum of shake in your heart. You feel your ear drums trembling and there is this electrifying current going through your brain and you feel like you want to burst like a volcano. That is what it is like. If you have learn the art to self calm yourself and talk nicely back to the kid then good for you. Time has train you well. But if you havent you do need to learn  how to self calm but occasionally out burst is also good for you. Why? So that you  still feel yourself a human being who still have emotions.

Many would disagree with what I say but then if you are a stay at home mom, i am quite sure you would go through some kind of  roller coaster ride with your toodler.  My suggestion you could occasionally throw back "acting tantrums" back to your kid , surprisingly sometimes it would work. They would stop screaming and look stunned back at you. Well isn't that a another nicer way to stop the scream than you scream back hurtful words? :)

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